- Civil Engineer – Universidade São Judas Tadeu
- Master’s degree in Civil and Urban Construction Engineering – Escola Politécnica da USP
- MBA in Quality Management – Anhanguera Educacional
- Postgraduate in Higher Education Teaching – Anhanguera Educional
Civil Engineer graduated from Universidade São Judas Tadeu, Master’s degree from Escola Politécnica of Universidade de São Paulo with emphasis on Civil and Urban Construction Engineering. He has an MBA in Quality Management and a postgraduate degree in Higher Education Teaching. He was the resident engineer responsible for the concrete, soil and paving laboratories of L.A. Falcão Bauer in the construction of the Rodoanel Mário Covas – East Section. He worked as coordinator of the Construction Materials Laboratories (Aggregates, Fresh Concrete, Cement, Mortar and On-site Tests, Performance Standard and Structural Systems) of the Falcão Bauer Group. He worked as a researcher at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo in research and technological development projects for large companies in the sector at the Microstructure and Testing Laboratory (LME-USP). He tutored students on the blended courses of Civil Engineering and Architecture at Universidade Anhanguera between 2018 and 2021. He is currently a Civil Engineering Expert working with insurance companies at Critério Experts in cases such as the failure of Vale Rio Doce Fundão Dam in Mariana-MG.
Tel./WhatsApp: +55 (11) 97566-9740