Our journey began in January 2003 through the work of engineers Maurício and Leonardo Marcelli, with the mission of carrying out inspections and assessments for the insurance market in the area of civil engineering.
In order to keep up with the new developments and to better meet the diverse needs of the insurance market, the Company has invested in the concept of multidisciplinary expertise since 2006, expanding our operations to also meet the needs of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering segments, including the Civil Engineering sector, and thus, we can offer clients results with greater efficiency and synergy. This innovative concept gave rise to the CRT Group, which in 2016, added new services for Pathological Statements (Special testing and assessments), Structural Analysis and Modelling and International Expertise on the Causes of Fire, made through a new Division called Critério Specialities.
With our DNA for solving, we always seek innovation, we constantly invest in high performance equipment, proprietary software and we seek to deliver studies with excellence, according to the most rigorous national and international standards. Aware of the importance of intellectual capital in the provision of an efficient service, we have professionals of the highest level in the team, with engineering degrees, postgraduate specializations and certifications in several areas, ensuring a quality service for dozens of clients, among them insurers and re-insurers, accounting for more than 8,000 completed studies.
We have also constantly invested in people, the main reason that this company exists. We recently expanded our operations with advanced 3D modeling resources to reconstruct loss events, in addition to the start of operations in the Cyber, Agro and Chemical areas, all of which are composed of professionals of the highest standards, in line with our mission to be a team of experts in quality.
Maurício Marcelli is a civil engineer, graduating in 1975 from the School of Engineering at Universidade Mackenzie. He began his professional career as a planner and for 15 years, he worked as an estimator for reinforced concrete, pre-stressed, metallic and wooden structures, developing numerous designs, including civil works and roads.
He worked for 10 years at CONESP (School of Constructions in the State of São Paulo) as planner and construction coordinator. At that time, he dealt with numerous problems relating to errors in plans and the execution of construction works. Subsequently, he worked in the field of civil construction carrying out various work of all types, including the adaptation and expansion of old buildings, which were originally designed for residential use and over time were converted for different uses. Experience that provided supplementary information to write what we believe to be a unique chapter in Brazilian civil engineering: Claims Due to Successive Renovations.
Since 2000, he has worked as a civil engineering consultant and expert with insurance companies, actively participating in numerous fires, gales, landslides, floods, among others. This activity has provided a rich source of contact with numerous and varied catastrophic situations in civil engineering, stimulating the need to identify causes to point out solutions with optimized technical and economic performance.
He wrote Sinistros na Construção Civil, a publication developed for all professionals who are somehow involved with projects, execution of works, renovations, restorations, technical expertise and loss adjustments. The book addresses, in a simple and direct manner, situations that can generate different types of damage in civil construction resulting from errors in designs, execution, inspection and maintenance of works and buildings. It is considered by many to be one of the best work tools for Engineers, Architects, Technologists, Experts and Loss Adjusters, providing important technical supplementary information to work in a preventive or corrective manner

…We intend to offer all professionals who work, or intend to work, in this area of civil engineering, literature that helps them to identify the possible causes and consequences of some anomalies that occur in our buildings, and to present alternative solutions to solve these problems.
Critério Experts has a vocation for innovation in its DNA. This has been its philosophy since it was established as an engineering expert company, through the organization of business units, in addition to the modern technologies and processes used to develop its work.
The CRT Group has several new resources that reflect the seriousness and direction of Critério Experts as an Innovative company:

With the optimism of always believing in a more sustainable planet for nature and all its inhabitants, in addition to being serious about building a better and fairer world, the Critério Experts team actively participates in some projects, contributing periodically to some institutions:
- ABA (Associação Beneficente dos Funcionários do Grupo Allianz Seguros)
- FIC (Fraternidade Irmã Clara)
- GAC (Grupo de Apoio à Criança Luz do Coração)
In order to offer and encourage the team to understand the tools, work practices and the development of new routines that contribute to their WELL-BEING, the CRT Group has developed the “Critério Life” Program with the participation of internal people.